Tutorial Scanner Vulnerability With Metasploit

oke guys ketemu lagi neh sama cakil..
kali ini cakil akan share tutorial scan vulnerability with metasploit..
cekidots !!
bahan :
3.termux / terminal linux

oke buka terminal kamu..
ketik :

msf > load wmap

| | | || | | || | || |-'
[WMAP 1.5.1] ===  et [  ] metasploit.com 2012
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: wmap

msf > wmap_sites -h
[*] Usage: wmap_sites [options]
        -h        Display this help text
        -a [url]  Add site (vhost,url)
        -d [ids]  Delete sites (separate ids with space)
        -l        List all available sites
        -s [id]   Display site structure (vhost,url|ids) (level) (unicode output true/false)

msf > wmap_sites -a http://target.com
[*] Site created.

msf > wmap_sites -l
[*] Available sites

     Id  Host            Vhost           Port  Proto  # Pages  # Forms
     --  ----            -----           ----  -----  -------  -------
     0   HostTarget   HostTarget   80    http   0        0
     1   HostTarget  HostTarget  80    http   0        0

msf > wmap_targets -h
[*] Usage: wmap_targets [options]
        -h              Display this help text
        -t [urls]       Define target sites (vhost1,url[space]vhost2,url)
        -d [ids]        Define target sites (id1, id2, id3 ...)
        -c              Clean target sites list
        -l              List all target sites

msf > wmap_targets -t HostTarget

kita coba liat host target nya

msf > wmap_targets -l
[*] Defined targets

     Id  Vhost          Host           Port  SSL    Path
     --  -----          ----           ----  ---    ----
     0   HostTarget  HostTarget  80    false      /

sekarang kita coba liat gmn cara run nya

msf > wmap_run -h
[*] Usage: wmap_run [options]
        -h                        Display this help text
        -t                        Show all enabled modules
        -m [regex]                Launch only modules that name match provided regex.
        -p [regex]                Only test path defined by regex.
        -e [/path/to/profile]     Launch profile modules against all matched targets.
                                  (No profile file runs all enabled modules.)

msf > wmap_run -t
[*] Testing target:
[*]     Site: HostTarget (HostTarget)
[*]     Port: 80 SSL: false
[*] Testing started. 2018-06-08 11:51:00 +0700
[*] Loading wmap modules...
[*] =[ SSL testing ]=
[*] ============================================================
[*] Target is not SSL. SSL modules disabled.
[*] =[ Web Server testing ]=
[*] ============================================================
[*] Loaded auxiliary/admin/http/contentkeeper_fileaccess ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_utf8_traversal ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/admin/http/trendmicro_dlp_traversal ...

tunggu sampai selesai..
sekarang kita coba scan lagi dengan mengetik :

msf > wmap_run -e
[*] Using ALL wmap enabled modules.
[-] NO WMAP NODES DEFINED. Executing local modules
[*] Testing target:
[*] Site: HostTarget (HostTarget)
[*] Port: 80 SSL: false
[*] Testing started. 2018-06-08 11:51:00 +0700
[*] =[ SSL testing ]=
[*] Target is not SSL. SSL modules disabled.
[*] =[ Web Server testing ]=
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/http_version
[*] HostTarget:80 Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 ( Powered by PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10 )
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/open_proxy
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/robots_txt..
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/soap_xml
[*] Path: /
[*] Server HostTarget:80 returned HTTP 404 for /.  Use a different one.
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/trace_axd
[*] Path: /
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/verb_auth_bypass
[*] =[ Unique Query testing ]=
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/blind_sql_query
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/error_sql_injection
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/http_traversal
[*] Module auxiliary/scanner/http/rails_mass_assignment
[*] Module exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec
[*] =[ Query testing ]=
[*] =[ General testing ]=
Launch completed in 212.01512002944946 seconds.
[*] Done.

sekarang kita liat. ada berapa banyak yang vuln..
ketik :

msf > wmap_vulns -l
[*] + [HOSTtarget] (HostTarget):
scraper /
[*] scraper Scraper
[*] GET Metasploitable2 - Linux
[*] + [HostTarget] (HostTarget):
 directory /dav/
[*] directory Directory found.
[*] GET Res code: 200
[*] + [HostTarget] (HostTarget):
directory /cgi-bin/
[*] directory Directoy found.
[*] GET Res code: 403...

sekarang kita coba liat yang vuln nya
ketik :

msf > vulns
[*] Time: 2018-06-08 11:51:00 +0700
host=HostTarget port=80 proto=tcp name=auxiliary/scanner/http/options refs=CVE-2005-3398,CVE-2005-3498,OSVDB-877,BID-11604,BID-9506,BID-9561
msf >

ganti HostTarget sama target mu (liat gambar gan)
nah gmna.. mudah bukan hehe..
oke guys sekian dan terima kasih